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Do You Really Need SEO?

Full Online Marketing Strategy Report for £1400 + VAT - Covers SEO, PPC, Social Media Marketing, Email etc

Many online companies spend much (if not all) of their entire marketing budget on Search Engine Optimisation, also referred to as SEO. However, it can take some time, even months or years before returns on this investment are seen.

Would you go to the casino, exchange your £20,000 marketing budget into chips and dump them all on Red?

(Didn't think so)

Can You Afford To Gamble
Tens of Thousands on SEO?

Make no mistake - SEO is an incredibly powerful tool. However, the fact that it can virtually destroy businesses overnight is often overlooked.

One wrong move can completely undermine your business.

SEO is incredibly expensive, and anyone claiming otherwise is probably being dishonest.

Google is a cruel mistress, and does not discriminate when it comes to dishing out penalties and sometimes even the good guys get booted out of Google without any explanation.

SEO is not the be-all-and-end-all of web marketing. Other options may be more lucrative for you.

No sensible business owner would blindly gamble so much on such a volatile practise.

But if you could spend a tiny fraction of this cost first just to make sure it's the right decision, wouldn't you grab that opportunity with both hands?

Back to the casino analogy. In your mind's eye, put yourself at that roulette table - sweaty palmed with your company's entire future in your hands, hovering over a choice with only a 50% chance of coming away richer (slightly less than 50% actually, thanks to house odds).

Pretty scary, right?

Now imagine you're about to make that call, except this time before you throw your chips on the table the croupier hands you a piece of paper which reads 'the ball is very, very likely to land on red this time'.

Naturally, this sounds great. But it gets even better:

  • The croupier has seen that wheel spin thousands of times before, and stakes his reputation on his advice.
  • Attached to the note is a full report on how he came to his conclusion.
  • Hundreds of respectable business men and women can confirm, with proof, that his advice pays dividends.

With our impartial consultancy,
we can't guarantee SEO is right for you.

But that's the point.

SEO is not the best marketing method for every business, and many go bust before discovering this.

Consider that a company could easily spend £20,000 - £50,000 in the first year alone simply trying to get the hang of making money online.

As a result, a one-off spend of £1,400 to ensure you're moving in the right direction from the get-go (and gain all the insider knowledge you need for long-term success) is a wise investment indeed.

We have all the tools and experience you need to help you spend your budget effectively...

We're also a small team and have limited availability.


Warlock Media is an Internet Marketing boutique that specialises in helping companies succeed in competitive markets. It's led by Christopher Angus, an award-winning Internet marketer and one of the world's best SEO consultants.

Our bespoke consultancy package is designed to not only save you from wasting your precious capital, but also how to use it effectively whether that is through SEO or an alternative form of Internet marketing.

As this service is competitively priced at only £1,400, demand is high and we can only devote to four clients per month.

Contact us now to check availability before spending a single penny on SEO.

When you buy an analysis from us, you can rest assured that we are not trying to sell you an SEO package or additional services which you don't need. You'll only get the truth and what's best for you and your company.

There is NO conflict of interest and we are only here to offer impartial advice to serve YOUR best interests.

Price for analysis and report + marketing strategy = £1400 + VAT Time required for analysis and report = One week


If Any of These Questions Result in Head-Scratching, You'll Almost Certainly Benefit From A Consultation.

As you've probably already gathered, there's more than meets the eye when it comes to search engine optimisation. There are a lot of smoke-and-mirror tactics used in order to part you with your money, and even a chat with the many well-meaning SEO practitioners can result in some confusing questions. Here are the most common ones, and a few you may not have previously considered.

1) How long does SEO take to 'kick in' and start seeing returns?

Some companies will quote up to 12 months to see results - are you being ripped off, or is it possible to get results in just a few weeks?

2) How much should you spend on SEO?

Some companies charge £500 and others £50,000 for the same job. What's the difference, and should payments be made monthly or on a one-off basis?

3) Backlinks are key to improving Google rankings...

...but why do some companies charge £3 per link while others charge £500? Why such a large variation?

4) How long do results last for?

It surprises a lot of people to learn that improved rankings are rarely permanent, so it's important to understand how much spending is needed on monthly SEO to retain your rankings and traffic once you get there.

5) Recently, Google changed the way it ranks websites in its famous 'Panda Update'.

As a result, some websites which weren't breaking Google's rules (and never had done) were punished severely many were forced of business. Why did that happen, and will it happen again?

6) A poor choice can be disastrous.

How likely is it that your SEO company will get your site banned through using dangerous techniques or with a lack of in-depth knowledge?

7) What works for one business may not work for yours.

Should you opt for an individual specialist or a large agency that will give you an 'account manager' to look after your website?

8) It's important to integrate SEO effectively within your current growth plan.

Did you know that the best SEO gurus and Internet marketers will not launch a business using SEO as the initial core strategy?

9) SEO is a very powerful tool, but is not a golden solution.

Are you hoping to use SEO as a way of instantly ballooning your business, and is your SEO Company correctly managing your expectations?

And last but not least...

10) Are you still willing to commit thousands of pounds to SEO without finding out if it's right for your business?

Why Choose Christopher Angus?

Christopher Angus has started and sold four different Internet marketing companies, as well as winning awards such as the second most influential marketer in the UK in 2008 and 2009, as well as being listed within the world's top 30. He is one of the most experienced Search Marketers in the world and is recognised as one of the best by his peers.

Christopher Angus also consults to big brands which want to grow their businesses using the Internet and search engines. Many of his clients are world leaders in their respective fields, most of them generate revenues of tens of millions of dollars per year and upwards using the Internet and Google.

Christopher Angus continues to frequently appear in the media and has featured in:

As Seen In...

He also looks after high profile celebrities such as Imogen Thomas and others, advising them as to how to improve their reputations online and use the Internet to make money and further their careers.

Don't risk your precious capital on risky marketing strategies - take advantage of years of experience and begin growing your business today.

Contact Christopher Angus @ OR 01295 722 877


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