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Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing (SMM) is an internet-based advertising technique which is similar to the "real world" practice of advertising something via word-of-mouth. It is the process through which a particular website/brand/business is promoted through social media channels.

Warlock Media is able to use its vast and successful experience with dozens of social media projects to our name to create bespoke and interactive campaigns to communicate and develop your brand to the people that matter most, be they customers, visitors, or users, whilst simultaneously sending a great deal of relevant internet traffic directly to your website.

SMM usually revolves around the creation of user-generated content. It might be a web widget, or video content, or even interactive media such as a game or otherwise uniquely specialised campaign created solely for your company. The point being that it is social media that has the potential to be regarded as popular/interesting/entertaining and something that users will want to interact with themselves and then pass the message on to other interested parties.

The huge power behind traditional social media such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc, can then be harnessed to kick-start your campaign, or social media outlets can be used as a standalone product to increase brand loyalty and interaction with your website without the need to create complex campaigns.

Warlock Media can assist you in creating social media campaigns which will garner exposure and customer interaction the likes of which was not possible previously.

Guide to Social Media Marketing

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